Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love Hurts

As the days pass I feel like this is getting easier... until we webcam and I see his face and know that he can't be here next to me. It kills me so much, I want to grab him and kiss him and fall asleep next to him. But I can't because he's a hundred miles away and will be for a year. I hate this so much. I want to turn back time and pretend he never left. It's so unfair, I finally find someone that I love and loves me back and I can't be with him. I'm angry and I know I shouldn't be... I should just be proud and strong for him but it isn't that easy. I just want to close my eyes and wake up to him next to me... I'd do anything for him to be back. I need him so badly.


Rana said...

You can do this girlie!! I'm here for ya! <3