Sunday, March 7, 2010

Everlasting Memories

I haven't written a post since I left to go see Kyle. It's still hard for me to talk about my visit to see him without getting upset. Everything about those 4 days together was so perfect. It really couldn't have been any better, I had such an amazing time with him. I just remember standing at the hotel doors waiting for his car to arrive and watching him run across the parking lot and into my arms. Once I was in his arms I just cried for 5 minutes straight... they were happy tears though!! It was so nice to have alone time and just lie in bed and cuddle. To just be able to kiss him and hug him... it was everything I could have asked for and more. I will remember these 4 days for the rest of my life.

Saying goodbye again was a lot harder this time around. I was fine until they announced that they would start boarding the flight... that's when I lost it. I just cried in his arms and kept holding his face in my hands and kissing him. I just couldn't bare to walk away from him again. After getting onto the plane I cried for a really long time... everyone around me thought I was nuts. Then the guy sitting behind me tapped my shoulder and asked if that was my boyfriend and told me that it broke his heart to see us say goodbye. I still get choked up talking about us saying goodbye... it's burnt a permanent image in my mind.


The Mrs. said...

Not going to lie, this brought tears to my eyes. a lot of them. We've all been there, those are tears no woman could ever forget.
Hang in there girl! You have your own army of Military Girlfriends, Fiances, & wives that are here for you! <3

Infantry Girlfriend said...

Awwwww Melissa <3 I cry every time I re-read this post. It broke my heart saying goodbye this time, it was a lot harder than the last. I'll be ok though... just taking it all in stages. I appreciate the support sooooo much!